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Coaching Supervision

Updated: Oct 8, 2019

The timing of my last personal coaching supervision session just happened to be perfect to explore an issue ready for the next day. It made me reflect that I don't have to wait to book a session! However, having a session in the diary has been my recent system, to keep me regularly focused on my own growth and intentions. It's too easy to put off booking a supervision session and good supervisors are busy! I believe am not alone in experiencing the challenge of achieving the right balance.

Coaches may forget or procrastinate because their coaching hours has been at a low level. Yes, my formal coaching hours has been low while completing my doctorate. And I know I'm not the only coach to experience variable frequency of work compared to other activity. It is easy to put off coaching supervision when it can be expensive. Of course, cost may be challenging. That's why I offer group sessions every 6-8 weeks. Ask me about joining/starting a group.

Coaches may downplay their own growth - like cobblers forget about their own shoes. Yet, this is really important - soft skills develop over time and through experience, beyond training courses that tend to highlight process - that is just the first step to undestanding the breadth of coaching philosophy/theory! Soft skills provide the depth of coaching know-how.

Coaches may be too casual about ethics. Yet this is too important to ignore, if you want to be a professional coach. I like to be accountable to someone for maintaining an ethical stance and explore boundaries in my work. I'm very clear that formal coaching hours means the other person knows they are being coached and enters into a contracted coaching relationship. Otherwise I step into a position of power which is not the intention of coaching.

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