Support groups - more than the cliche 'a problem shared is a problem halved'.
Learn to use coaching skills yourself!
e.g. Shirley's Business/Freelancer Support Group
- Feel alone?
- So much to do? (Yet want things need to change!)
- Rarely find time to work 'on' the business?
- Achievement of desires seems elusive?
Working with others 6 (or more) times a year could change all of the above. Maybe you'd also benefit from others helping you to recognise:
1 You are not alone
- what you're doing is challenging!
- buddies can give you motivation and relieve your stress
2. You have something valuable to offer
- overcome thoughts that selling and marketing are unappealing!
- buddies can help you be clearer and reach 'hungry' clients
Simultaneously, the group supports you to learn skills to be collaborative
- stand back and help others think
- stand back and reflect on your own thinking
- recognise what help might be useful
- recognise where to get the support you need